====== Installation on the firewall machine ====== ===== Distributed installation ===== If you use a distributed installation (consolidate logs on dedicated syslog machine) configure your firewall(s) to send syslog messages to the management machine where fwlogd/fwlogmgmd is installed. On a *NIX based firewall with syslgd this could be done like: - add //kern.* @your.syslog.machine// to ///etc/syslogd.conf// - restart syslogd On a *NIX based firewall with syslg-ng this could be done like: TODO Other firewall: please refer to your firewall documentaion how to handle syslog. ===== fwlogd/fwlogmgmd installed on firewall ===== If you want to run fwlogd/fwlogmgmd on the firewall itself (where possible), proceed with [[fwlogview:installation:fwlogd|instructions for management machine]].